
A ‘links list’ of online spaces and websites with information on me such as profiles and visual essays, that present my research, artwork or projects within the range of fields that I participate in. Digital links to shorter articles and blog pieces I have written are also gathered here when possible.

2024 OAG announcement for Art School, with link to click to catalogue

2024 Akimbo announcement of Ottawa Art Gallery “Art School Confidential”

2024 2023 Acquisitions / Donations at Ottawa Art Gallery

2022 Review of Carleton University Art Gallery of Baroness Elsa Project in RACAR (RACAR – Journal of Universities Art Association of Canada UAAC)

2022 Art-Image Exhibition

2022 Trenched” at View Gallery, Vancouver Island University Art Gallery

2021 MAWA in Winnipeg

2021 Review of “Wound Care” by Paul Gessell (Galleries West)

2020 Review of “Plastic Planet” by Henzy Dasan

2020 “Plastic Planet” Remarks by Sara Adams (Carleton Climate Commons Working Group)

2019 Common Waters – Cambridge Art Gallery

2016 Where MEDicine and ART collide (Med in Art)

2015  Review of Dalhousie Art Gallery curatorial project Anatomica (Visual Arts News)

2015 Between Art and Biomedicine  (Interalia Magazine)

2015 Reading Medical Artifacts, Contemporary Art and Medical Regimes: Curating Anatomica (Impact Ethics)

2011 Dark Art (Carleton University Magazine)

2007 Science in Art: Body (Virtual Museum of Canada)